Friday, December 27, 2019
Requisitos para viajar sin visa a EE.UU. como turista
Cada aà ±o, millones de turistas viajan sin visa a Estados Unidos porque tienen un pasaporte de uno de los 38 paà ses incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este artà culo se informa sobre quà © paà ses està ¡n incluidos en esa lista, los casos de doble nacionalidad, cuà ¡les son los requisitos, quà © es la autorizacià ³n para viajar o ESTA, tambià ©n mal llamada visa electrà ³nica, cuà ¡l es su costo y, finalmente, cuà ¡les son las ventajas y los inconvenientes de ingresar sin visa a ingresar con visa de turista B2. Paà ses en Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y doble nacionalidad En la actualidad,à 38 paà ses està ¡n incluidos en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, casi todos europeos o asià ¡ticos. Esta regla general tiene una excepcià ³n y es que si los ciudadanos de esos paà ses tienen doble nacionalidad con Irà ¡n, Irak, Siria o Sudà ¡n entonces no pueden beneficiarse de ese programa. De todos los paà ses hispanohablantes, solamente los ciudadanos de Espaà ±a y Chile pueden beneficiarse de este programa para viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos.à Es suficiente con tener pasaporte chileno o espaà ±ol, aunque se resida habitualmente en otro paà s. En el caso de personas con doble nacionalidad, cuando uno de los pasaportes està ¡ incluido en el listado del VWP puede utilizarse cualquiera de ellos para ingresar a EE.UU. Si se elige el que permite viajar sin visa, es necesario que a su titular no se le hubiera negado o cancelado previamente una visa a EE.UU. solicitada con el otro pasaporte. Por ejemplo, una mujer colombiana nacida en Colombia pero que tiene un pasaporte italiano porque su padre tenà a esa nacionalidad y se la transmitià ³ a la hija puede ingresar a EE.UU. con el pasaporte colombiano con visa de turista o con pasaporte italiano y la ESTA. Sin embargo, si esa misma mujer solicità ³ una visa con el pasaporte colombiano y le fue negada, no puede ingresar con ESTA y pasaporte italiano. Es obligatorio que solicite y obtenga la aprobacià ³n de una visa B2. Sin ella, no podrà ¡ viajar a Estados Unidos como turista. Las autoridades estadounidenses saben que se trata de la misma persona con pasaportes de dos paà ses diferentes por las huellas digitales. Se toman a todo solicitante de visa y tambià ©n a los turistas extranjeros en los pasos de control migratorio y el sistema informà ¡tico encuentra la coincidencia. Requisitos para viajar sin visa a EE.UU. Ademà ¡s de tener un pasaporte de un paà s incluido en el listado del VWP, es necesario cumplir otros requisitos. En primer lugar, por aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Mejora del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y Prevencià ³n de Viaje Terrorista de 2015, es condicià ³n fundamental para viajar a EE.UU. sin visa no haber viajado a Irà ¡n, Irak, Libia, Siria, Somalia, Sudà ¡n o Yemen en fecha del 1 de marzo de 2011 o posteriormente. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los diplomà ¡ticos o miembros de ejà ©rcitos que hubieran estado en esos paà ses por razones de su trabajo. Otro requisito es que el pasaporte debe ser digitalizado con un chip integrado que pueda leer una computadora y con fecha de expiracià ³n de al menos seis meses mà ¡s que el dà a previsto de finalizacià ³n del viaje a EE.UU., si bien hay excepciones a este requisito para algunos paà ses. Asimismo, es imprescindible que cada persona que viaja tenga su propio pasaporte. En otras palabras, nià ±os y bebà ©s deben tener su propio documento y no estar incluidos en el pasaporte del padre o de la madre. Si se quiere llegar a un puesto migratorio de EE.UU. por avià ³n de là nea regular o barco, debe llenarse por internet antes de viajar el formulario ESTA, que significa Sistema Electrà ³nico de Autorizacià ³n para Viajar. Ademà ¡s, se debe tener ticket de regreso. Por el contrario, si se llega en avià ³n o barco privado es obligatorio solicitar a la embajada o consulado una visa de turista. Si se llega por una frontera terrestre no es necesario solicitar autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica. Al llegar allà debe completarse un documento que se conoce comoà I-94 registro de ingreso y salida. Otro requisito a cumplir es que el propà ³sito del viaje debe ser turismo, negocios, visitar amigos o familiares, recibir tratamiento mà ©dico o participar en una feria o conferencia. Bajo ningà ºn concepto se puede trabajar. Por ejemplo, los periodistas que tengan la intencià ³n de cubrir un evento deberà ¡n pedir el correspondiente visado. Tampoco es legal buscar trabajo cuando se tiene situacià ³n de turista. Tampoco se puede estudiar, a menos que se trate de una actividad a tiempo parcial por menos de 19 horas a la semana. Por otro lado, es posible casarse en situacià ³n de turista pero para evitar problemas se recomienda seguir unas directrices de precaucià ³n. Finalmente, es imprescindible no ser inelegible o inadmisible para ingresar a EE.UU. y que, por otra parte, son los mismos requisitos que se exigen a todos los que solicitan visas no inmigrante en un consulado americano. Esas son dos grandes categorà as incluyen diversas situaciones como, por ejemplo, haber estado previamente en EE.UU. mà ¡s tiempo que el autorizado, carecer de lazos econà ³micos, familiares y sociales fuertes en el paà s de residencia habitual, etc. Las causas de inelegibilidad o inadmisibilidad pueden dar lugar a que el oficial migratorio en el puerto de entrada (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre) niegue la entrada a EE.UU. Ventajas de viajar sin visa frente a obligacià ³n de obtener visa de turista B2 La posibilidad de viajar sin visa es, en primer lugar, mà ¡s cà ³modo ya que supone que no se deben obtener los documentos obligatorios y de apoyo que se presentan en el consulado o embajada de Estados Unidos durante el trà ¡mite de la entrevista para obtener la visa de turista B2. Otra ventaja es que es un proceso es mà ¡s rà ¡pido, ya que no hay que esperar a la entrevista ni programar una maà ±ana de tiempo dedicada a presentarse en el consulado y, dependiendo del paà s, tambià ©n a un Centro de Apoyo CAS o ACS. Ademà ¡s, viajar sin visa es mà ¡s barato. En estos momentos la visa de turista tiene un costo de $160 por persona, que se puede incrementar en algunos paà ses en cumplimiento de leyes de reciprocidad. Esa cantidad nunca se recupera, aunque la visa sea negada. Por el contrario, la autorizacià ³n para viajar que se conoce como ESTA tiene un costo de $14 y si es rechazada el solicitante obtendrà ¡ un reembolso de $10 con lo que el costo es de $4 para esos supuestos. Ademà ¡s, la ESTA la puede solicitarla cualquier turista que cumple todos los requisitos del VWP desde su casa sin necesidad de presentar documentacià ³n o acudir a una entrevista en un consulado. Cabe destacar que no es necesario solicitar la ESTA si se llega a una frontera de Estados Unidos por và a terrestre. Autorizacià ³n de viaje ESTA vs. visa electrà ³nica y tiempo mà ¡ximo de estancia en USA Es comà ºn llamarle visa electrà ³nica a la ESTA, pero no es correcto. No es una visa y, al no ser una visa, no se puede bajo ningà ºn concepto extender el tiempo mà ¡ximo autorizado de presencia en EE.UU. Tampoco se puede cambiar por otra visa como, por ejemplo, la de turista, por la misma razà ³n, porque la ESTA no es una visa. Y lo mismo aplica a los que ingresan con pasaporte de un paà s incluido en el listado de los VWP y sin ESTA porque llegan a travà ©s de una frontera terrestre. Un ingreso a EE.UU. sin visa bajo este programa tiene una estancia mà ¡xima de 90 dà as. A los tres meses hay que salir del paà s. No hay posibilidad de prà ³rroga. Si durante la estancia en Estados Unidos, el turista visita brevemente Bermudas, Canadà ¡ o Mà ©xico, al regresar se podrà ¡ entrar, pero no se alargarà ¡ el tiempo de estancia que seguirà ¡ siendo el mismo que correspondà a a la primera entrada. Cabe destacar que ss muy comà ºn que justo antes de acabar los tres meses la persona extranjera salga a Bermudas, Mà ©xico o Canadà ¡ por un periodo corto de tiempo, con el fin de lograr un nuevo permiso de estancia en Estados Unidos por otros tres meses. En el momento que regresa puede suceder que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n le deje entrar, sin conceder mà ¡s dà as extras. Sin embargo, tambià ©n puede queà no le permita regresar a Estados Unidos. La razà ³n es clara: se està ¡ vulnerando el espà ritu de las leyes migratorias de EE.UU. Si quiere prolongar su estancia en Estados Unidos deberà ¡ salir del paà s conseguir la visa apropiada en una embajada o consulado americano. Finalmente, es recomendableà este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la ESTA y sobre viajar sin visa para asegurar los conocimientos que aplican a esta situacià ³n y evitar problemas migratorios en EE.UU. Puntos Claves: viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos Las personas con un pasaporte incluido en el listado del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados (VWP) pueden viajar sin visas a Estados Unidos como turistas, para tratamiento mà ©dico, reuniones de negocios, etc.En la actualidad, 38 paà ses està ¡n incluidos en el VWP, entre ellos Chile y Espaà ±a. La mayorà a de los otros paà ses son europeos y asià ¡ticos.No pueden viajar sin visa bajo este programa las personas que han visitado Irà ¡n, Irà ¡k, Siria, Somalia, Sudà ¡n, Libia o Yemen con fecha de 1 de marzo de 2011 o posteriormente. Està ¡s excluidos de esta regla militares y diplomà ¡ticos que viajaron por razà ³n de sus viajes.Si se llega a EE.UU. por barco o avià ³n regular, debe solicitarse con autoridad una autorizacià ³n para viajar conocida como ESTA. No es necesaria si se llega por tierra. Si se llega en avià ³n o barco privado no se puede viajar con ESTA y es imprescindible solicitar una visa de turista.La estancia mà ¡xima de estancia en EE.UU. cuando se vi aja bajo este programa es de 90 dà as. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Controvery Over Euthanasia - 1475 Words
The Controvery Over Euthanasia Euthanasia has become a controversial subject. It is a Greek word, that means easy death, broken down into origins EU means good and Thanatos means death. Therefore, this word also means good death. Euthanasias definition is the intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies. This implies that the act must be initiated by the person who wishes to commit suicide. (Euthanasia) There are two kinds of euthanasia, Passive and Active, there are clear distinctions between both of them. Passive euthanasia is withdrawal of life support. This type has been specifically upheld by the courts as a legal right act for a doctor to perform. A few examples of passiveâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(Euthanasia) Kervorkian has assisted in more than a hundred deaths, but also he finally admitted to over a 130 assists. (collegeterm) A man named Thomas Youk, 52 was killed by the assistance of Kervorkian. The killing of Thomas was videotaped and was given to 60 Min utes to air on television. He was suffering from Lou Gehrigs Disease, and to be killed he was injected with a lethal dose of Potassium Chloride. In this assist Kervorkian injected Youk rather than rigging up his homemade suicide machine. Thomas was frightened that the advancing disease would cause him a horrible death; he wanted to a quick painless exit from life. Dr. Kervorkian was charged with First Degree murder, and the jury found with guilty of Second Degree murder in March of 1999. Active euthanasia, physician assisted suicide is it right? I do not believe that if someone wants to die that a doctor should help them. When you think of a doctor you think of a professional example, he or she is there to help you heal or save your life, not to kill it. I believe the active euthanasia is wrong. God has a plan for you, every day is planned out for a reason, and everything that happens is for a reason. If you go and kill yourself, or at least have someone help you it is going against Gods plan. With traditional Christian beliefs, it violates ones natural desire to live. It also harms people, and life is the gift
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
A Monk Swimming, by Malachy McCourt and The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls Essay Example For Students
A Monk Swimming, by Malachy McCourt and The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls Essay In the memoirs A Monk Swimming by Malachy McCourt, and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, there are stories of how both authors persevere through some form of poverty during their childhoods; in both cases, the authors have a history of running away from their problems, and finally both McCourt and Walls turn their stories into fame and success. Both memoirs are based on stories from the authorsââ¬â¢ pasts, and they remain the central focus throughout the memoir. Memoirs are a subgenre of the narrative, non-fiction genre (List of Literary Genres, California Department of Education). A memoir is a book or other piece of writing based on the writers personal knowledge of famous people, places, or events. The difference between a memoir and an autobiography is that autobiographies use physically recorded works, while memoirs are, nearly to the letter of definition, literary representations of memory. Therefore, like memories, the possibility exists that they may be inaccurate or willfully distorted (Memoir (Genre), University of California Berkeley Information Services and Technology). Not only do the memoirs show how the authorsââ¬â¢ childhood experiences shape their lives, they also provide explanations of how they were able to take their situations and turn them into a successful life and career. It is apparent that there are numerous similarities in the lives and memoirs of A Monk Swimming by Malachy McCourt and The Glass Castle; those similarities and the slight differences are discussed throughout the essay. Malachy McCourt grows up in Limerick, Munster, Ireland in a household riddled with familial difficulties and tragedies. While he is young, his four year-old sister Margaret dies, and then his twin siblings Eugene and Oliver. . hman in any establishment where he couldWorks CitedCalifornia Department of Education. List of Literary Genres. Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School. N.p., 31 Jan. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. org/forums/green/Literature/Genres.htmMcCourt, Malachy. Welcome to Malachys Website. Malachy McCourt. 5 Mar. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. . McCourt, Malachy. A Monk Swimming: A Memoir. New York: Hyperion, 1998. Print.UC Berkeley. Memoir (Genre). UC Berkely Information Services and Technology. N.p., 8 July 2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2013. .Walls, Jeannette. The Glass Castle: A Memoir. New York: Scribner, 2005. Print.Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher. A Monk Swimming: A Tragedians Brother Finds More Comedy in Life. Books of the Times. New York Times, 4 Sept. 1998. Web. 1 Dec. 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Wi-Fi Security free essay sample
Wi-Fi is the system of wireless connecting devices, which use some radio waves that allow for the connection between the devices without expenses of the cumbersome cable or without requiring them for being facing the other. Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) network would provide the computer experts with option to remove the wired network (Wekhande, 2006). Badly secured Wi-Fi networks may be utilized for attacking the networks as well as corporations from inside, rather than about attempting to do that externally by Internet. The purpose of the report is to describe about the Wi-Fi Security. Firstly it discusses Wi-Fi (802. 1) Security. Then it reviews the risks as well as the precautions prior to opening the Wi-Fi network for the others, after that it gives recommendations for closing the Wi-Fi Network to the strangers and how to be alert while sending very sensitive information over the Wi-Fi Networks. What is Wi-Fi Security? Wi-Fi is cryptographic based methods for enabling the security. We will write a custom essay sample on Wi-Fi Security or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Wired Equivalent Privacy as well as Wi-Fi Protected Access security techniques give us security (Rowan, 2010). Privacy: the data that has been transmitted within a network must not be readable to anybody however those communicating. Authentication: Only clients who are aware about shared secret can connect to network. Wi-Fi Protected Access had been initial cryptographic protocol which has been made for the Wi-Fi for enabling the privacy as well as authentication. But Wi-Fi Protected Access had not been fully secure. For rectifying the security issues with Wi-Fi Protected, Wi-Fi Alliance has introduced cryptographic protocol i. e. Wi-Fi Protected Access. From that time the general practice about securing the Wi-Fi Protected Access enabled network with the passwords was discovered of being vulnerable towards the offline dictionary attack. Even if Wi-Fi Protected Access has been thought to be very secure rather than from the dictionary attack, this had been the quick fix to problems in the Wi-Fi Protected Access. Wi-Fi Protected Access has been the subset of Robust Security Network that had been introduced in the initial draft of the security standard which is made through Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) called as 802. 11i (A. K. M Nazmus Sakib, 2011). Wi-Fi (802. 11) Security Nowadays several Internet users have been using the Wi-Fi or the 802. 11 networks for connecting wirelessly to Internet (Kjell J. Hole, 2005). It is a latest as well as available technology that has been used for networking the homes. To connect Internet wirelessly provides complete fresh set of the security concerns. When we have been setting up the wireless Wi-Fi network at our home, we are provided to have some additional security precautions for keeping our computer safe as well as secure (Reynolds, 2003). Several people choose for leaving the Wi-Fi networks open thus creating hot spot in which any random passerby may access Internet. Many passersby do not harm us or to our computers. So we must know risks prior to opening up our hot spot for public. Risks as well as Precautions prior to Opening our Wi-Fi Network for Others Either Hot Spot is Violating the Terms of Service ISP Few Internet providers do not allow their users to share its Internet bandwidth among the neighbors as well as strangers through Wi-Fi. Those prohibitions are a part of terms of service which we have agreed, when we have signed up for ISP service (Sheldon, 2001). Either Computer as well as Network is Secure We should be sure that our password must be hard to guess however it should also be easier for us remember. It is particularly essential when we are having home network of computers. We do not want that people should use our Wi-Fi connection for gaining easier access to our computer. In the Windows XP we can set our password in Control Panel in the option User Accounts (Roeder, 2003). Changing the Default Password of Base Station Several Wi-Fi base stations are available with easier to guess default passwords like the admin or default, thus it would permit the hackers to control our base station settings. We should be sure to replace the default password so that it would hard to guess however also it should easier to remember the password (Ku, 2011). Closing Wi-Fi Network to Strangers When we have decided to keep the unknown person off from our Wi-Fi network, there has been lot of methods by which we may reduce access. We may use single many options below for keeping the unknown person off from our network (Lehembre, 2005). We should not Broadcast our SSID It is very easy to restrict anybody to access our Wi-Fi network however this is very far from secure. By default, every Wi-Fi base stations often broadcast its presence and it is called as a Service Set Identifier for anybody within the reach (Gold, 2011). We may reinstall a base station so that we should not broadcast Service Set Identifier, same as the stealth mode. But when the unknown is already aware about name of our Wi-Fi network he/she may still be able to access that. However such a tactic might keep out lot of random passersby (Wireless Security, 2012). We must encrypt our Wireless Network Password Secure method to keep out unknown person has been through creating as well as encrypting our wireless network password, however it a bit complex process. Anybody who has been looking to access our Wi-Fi network would be required to type in real encrypted password. Several old base stations use the Wireless Equivalent Privacy encryption for scrambling the passwords. Whereas such encryption code would be kept out of a reach of casual hacker, but it is weak against determined hackers. Latest encryption protocol, named as the Wireless Protected Access has come up with latest base stations (Waring, 2007) Configuring our Base Station for simply allowing MAC Addresses of our Computer All the computers have been identified through a unique number known as the Machine Access Code address. We instruct our Wi-Fi base station for allowing access towards some specific computer MAC addresses which only belongs to us. Our base station settings would permit us to type in addresses of all the MAC address which we are willing to permit on our Wi-Fi network (Wi-Fi base stations: Extending the range of your wireless network by adding additional Wi-Fi base stations, 2012). This task requires lot of human effort however this might be lot much effective as MAC addresses are very hard to think of. Sending Sensitive Information through Wi-Fi Networks Even if we have been open or close to our Wi-Fi network, there has been still one more security risk we must be aware about that. If we access the Web pages as well as send any e-mail over the Wi-Fi network these transmissions are sent in a clear. In a clear is the sophisticated as well as the determined hacker which might grab such information from the air capture our e-mails as well as Web page requests. So chances of hacker to capture our transmissions in such a way have been very less. Therefore we must be aware about risk particularly when we have been sending the sensitive information through Wi-Fi network (Helping Define 802. 11n and other Wireless LAN Standards, 2012). We should Send Sensitive Files through Wi-Fi Networks until we are aware about it that It is really Secure We should be sure that our Internet connection has been secured prior to sending sensitive Internet communications through that. Many sites which perform sensitive transactions such as shopping with the credit card or checking the bank account information, we must use technology named as Secure Socket Layer. Secure Socket Layer encrypts the transaction therefore creating a secure tunnel in between computer Web site server (US-CERT, 2006). How we should come to know that whether our Web page transaction has been using Secure Socket Layer? Only best technique has been to look at URL of the Web page. Prefix should begin with https://. Here s means that SSL is secure. Using the Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Securing all of our Wi-Fi Transmissions The VPN has been the advanced networking feature. This has been the technology which creates the tunnel among our computer as well as network server. Several corporate networks are having VPNs for protecting the transmissions (Fleishman, 2011). When we have been accessing our work files as well as e-mail using the Wi-Fi network, we must make sure that our office network administrator has created the VPN for these transmissions. Conclusion Poorly secured Wi-Fi networks might be exploited for the other purposes which may not directly threaten owner of a compromised Wi-Fi network. Wireless intruder may conceal their identity as well as when he wishes, reveal that to the others.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Women & Spirituality
Feminist Spirituality & Goddess Religion: Then & Now in The United States Thousands of years ago, the Goddess was viewed as an autonomous entity worthy of respect from men and women alike. Because of societal changes caused by Eastern influence, a patriarchial system conquered all aspects of life including religion. ââ¬Å"Furthermore, most feminists interested in goddesses are women who strongly reject western patriarchal theologyâ⬠(Culpepper 51). Thus, there was this very strong feminist idea of women being the prime in the early part of the 17th and the 18th century. Today, the loss of a strong female presence in Judeo-Christian beliefs has prompted believers to look to other sources that celebrate the role of women. Men and women have increasingly embraced goddess religion and feminist spirituality as an alternative to the patriarchy found in traditional biblical religion of the past and the present. In this paper, I would like to discuss this whole issue of the uprising of women spirituality in the United States and also the formation of these so called Goddess Religions, and the ways in which these religions are changing the face of American societal believes. My argument will be supporting the central theme of the movie ââ¬ËWomen & Spirituality: A Full Circleââ¬â¢, the one that was featured in the lecture. I would like to discuss the main ideas on which this religion is based, the way in which it has come back a full circle and also its adjusting to this modern American society full of many other religions having different ideologies. Within a few thousand years the first recognizable human society developed worship of the ââ¬ËGreat Goddessââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËGreat Motherââ¬â¢. For these people, deity was female. The importance of fertility in crops, domesticated animals, wild animals and in the tribe itself was of paramount importance to their survival. Thus, the Female life-giving principle was considered divine and an enigma. This culture... Free Essays on Women & Spirituality Free Essays on Women & Spirituality Feminist Spirituality & Goddess Religion: Then & Now in The United States Thousands of years ago, the Goddess was viewed as an autonomous entity worthy of respect from men and women alike. Because of societal changes caused by Eastern influence, a patriarchial system conquered all aspects of life including religion. ââ¬Å"Furthermore, most feminists interested in goddesses are women who strongly reject western patriarchal theologyâ⬠(Culpepper 51). Thus, there was this very strong feminist idea of women being the prime in the early part of the 17th and the 18th century. Today, the loss of a strong female presence in Judeo-Christian beliefs has prompted believers to look to other sources that celebrate the role of women. Men and women have increasingly embraced goddess religion and feminist spirituality as an alternative to the patriarchy found in traditional biblical religion of the past and the present. In this paper, I would like to discuss this whole issue of the uprising of women spirituality in the United States and also the formation of these so called Goddess Religions, and the ways in which these religions are changing the face of American societal believes. My argument will be supporting the central theme of the movie ââ¬ËWomen & Spirituality: A Full Circleââ¬â¢, the one that was featured in the lecture. I would like to discuss the main ideas on which this religion is based, the way in which it has come back a full circle and also its adjusting to this modern American society full of many other religions having different ideologies. Within a few thousand years the first recognizable human society developed worship of the ââ¬ËGreat Goddessââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËGreat Motherââ¬â¢. For these people, deity was female. The importance of fertility in crops, domesticated animals, wild animals and in the tribe itself was of paramount importance to their survival. Thus, the Female life-giving principle was considered divine and an enigma. This culture...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tools and Methods of Psychology in the Workplace Essay
Tools and Methods of Psychology in the Workplace - Essay Example Asà weà attemptà toà developà screeningà andà selectionà batteriesà forà theà futureà , notà onlyà mustà theyà beà validà andà reliableà butà theyà mustà alsoà fallà withinà currentà legalà guidelines, whichà isà anà arduous taskà . This learner feelsà that psychological practitioners in order toà contribute must beà wellà informedà about many legal guidelines; because these laws areà work-related laws that psychologicalà practitionersà or psychologist must abide by now and beyond the future. Thisà learnerà feelsà thatà psychologicalà practitionersà canà contributeà byà helpingà toà createà andà implementà selectionà proceduresà thatà areà predictive,à practical, costà effective, andà legallyà defensible. In addition thoseà practitionersà canà alsoà contributeà byà searchingà forà vali dà andà unbiasedà assessmentà methodsà , becauseà thoseà methodsà hasà becomeà aà crucialà issueà inà personnelà selectionà ( Schmidt, 1993). ... Structural interviews, which measure a variety of skills and abilities, particularlyà non-cognitiveà skills, 3. Work samplesà which measure job skills such as planningà andà organizingà . , and 4. Assessment centers measure knowledge , skills , and abilities through a series of work samplesà / exercises that reflect job content and types of problems faced on the job , cognitive ability tests , personality inventories , and orà job knowledgeà testsà . Thisà learner feels that the most importantà fact is the validity and reliability of the tool and the impact that it will have onà applicants. Accordingà to Schmidt and Hunter, combining a general mental ability measure withà a structural interview or with a work sample is likely to yieldà the highestà composite validity . (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). Compareà à à à andà Contrastà a skill , competencies , or toolà and itsà implementationà byà eitherà a humanà resourceà managerà orà aà psychologicalà practitionerà . Thisà learnerà wouldà chooseà theà " Cognitiveà Abilityà Test " , which is a tool that is usedà byà psychologicalà practitioners becauseà ità measuresà mentalà abilitiesà such asà logicà , readingà comprehensionà , verbal orà mathematicalà reasoningà andà perceptualà abilitiesà . Cognitiveà ability test is implemented byà paper and pencilà orà computer basedà instruments. This à toolà carriesà aà veryà highà validityà rateà whenà comparedà toà " Conscientiousnessà toolà " , whichà measuresà theà personalityà traità andà isà implementedà byà typicallyà withà multipleà -choiceà orà trueà / falseà formatsà . This learnerà , wouldà useà the helpà of a competencyà modelà that many skills that most applicants should have when
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